
유튜브 요약하는 방법 크롬 익스텐션 이런거 아님

눈길에발자욱 2023. 3. 23. 13:05

유튜브 요약할 곳을 들어가서 점 세 개 부분 클릭 -> 스크립트 표시 클릭합니다.

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그래서 나온 결과

  • The video compares Google’s new AI language model Bard with Microsoft’s gpt4 in four different experiments: code writing, idea generation, poetry writing, and fact explanation.
  • Bard is faster than gpt4 but less creative, accurate, and well-documented in most tasks.
  • Gpt4 wins three out of four rounds and shows superior performance in generating code, ideas, and poetry.
  • Bard wins one round by explaining how brain waves work faster and more concisely than gpt4.
  • The video also mentions some recent AI developments and trends such as alpaca AI, Adobe image generator, Microsoft copilot, quantum computing, and the decline of Google search.